• Bull Ring Belgians
    The Team
    at Bull Ring Belgians


Robert Carey

Robert G. Carey is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Maine and a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in Massachusetts. Education includes a Master of Social Work Degree from Rhode Island College and a Master of Arts Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from Assumption College. Other Licensure include Certified Correctional Health Provider from the Academy of Correctional Health Professionals. Mr. Carey has over 41 years of clinical experience in mental health, forensic, and criminal justice settings including psychiatric and forensic inpatient, outpatient, crisis intervention, and correctional environments.

Mr. Carey has served as a consultant to the National Association of Social Workers Massachusetts Chapter regarding clinical safety/systems issues and as the co-chairman of Inpatient Safety for the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health. Mr. Carey has also served as an executive Board Member for SEU 509 Mental Health Chapter and has led efforts to develop and address individual safety and systems issues, first responder support services, and the implementation of safety and staff support systems. Mr. Carey has also served as a Board Member of the Equine Journeys Program in Bridgton Maine. Mr. Carey has served as the Chairman of Specialized Shouting Services in Narragansett Council (Southern New England) from 1994 to 2004, as a member of the Specialized Scouting Committee from 1980 to 2005, and as a Scoutmaster for youth with physical and developmental challenges from 1976 to 2008. Mr. Carey Has received numerous recognition including a Letter of Commendation from the Androscoggin County Sheriff’s Office, Award for Distinguished Service from the Norfolk County Sherriff’s Office, The Silver Beaver Award, George Bucklin Award, and two Scouting District Awards of Merit.

Currently in private practice in Bridgton, Maine, Mr. Carey has worked with the Equine Journeys and Bull Ring Belgians Programs since 2012 regarding the development and implementation of a clinical Equine rehabilitation/wellness program that serves the needs of veterans. Mr. Carey is a member of the National Association of Social Workers, the Academy of Correctional Health Professionals, and the American Jail Association.

Bull Ring Belgians



Bullring Belgians is a privately funded organization.
Any donation large or small is always appreciated and goes towards the care of the horses. All donations are tax deductible.


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